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If you answered yes to several of the above questions, you might be interested in volunteer work experience opportunities at Cross Island Farms. Options range from a half-day to weekend, week-long, or long term on-farm experience. Lodging may be available for longer term volunteers.
Although we are not able to offer financial compensation at this time, we believe that the hands-on experience, organic training, and knowledge we offer would be of great value to the right people. If you are considering getting into organic farming, such an experience could be invaluable, even if you decide not to pursue organic farming further.
If you think a volunteer opportunity at our farm may be for you, Contact Us! We thank you for your interest!
Learn more about organic farm volunteering at wwoofusa.org
Targeted towards college students, we also offer immersive internships at the farm! There are four major areas of focus to choose from including regenerative perennial agriculture, animal husbandry, annual vegetable growing, and business.
"I had an awesome experience at Cross Island Farms. David and Dani were very accommodating and generous with their time, knowledge, and delicious homegrown veggies, meat, and jams! I learned a very diverse set of skills. Watch out, or you'll fall in love with the pigs."
WWOOFer Anneke digs carrots in January. There is always work to be done on the farm!
Volunteers Alisa and Haley mulching
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